I create content that allows service businesses to build trust more quickly with their prospects, so they can increase sales.
Hi, I’m Cornelia, and I’ve been a freelance content writer and marketing consultant since 2006. Before that, I spent 10 years in corporate marketing roles in the UK and New Zealand. I learned a lot, but didn’t love the corporate life.
Now I work from home in a lovely leafy location in Kerikeri, in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand. (Yes, it’s as beautiful as it sounds.) I work with clients throughout New Zealand – especially in Auckland – as well as in Australia, the UK, and US. I’ve published some books and my articles have featured in NZ and UK magazines.
So I’ve been a content writer for a while, and I thrive on upskilling and learning the latest techniques and technologies. And I’m lucky enough to get most of my work through referrals and recommendations from happy customers. Which is absolutely the best kind of marketing!
What makes me different as a content writer?
I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve when it comes to content writing:
1. I’m an empath
In a business context, that means I’m sensitive to the needs of others – which is perfect when you’re looking for a writer who creates content that really resonates with readers.
I’m skilled in envisaging the needs of your buyers and prospects: what questions, doubts, concerns, fears, desires do they have? What motivates them? I’ll get clear on this during the briefing process, before I start writing, so the resulting content is highly reader-centric and engaging.
When I’m writing, my brain switches gear from the usual Beta state we spend most of our waking hours in, to a Gamma state of intense focus and concentration. This is the peak of conscious creativity, and I call this “The Zone”.
The sensation of being in The Zone is pretty intense, and I keep my phone on silent so I can fully concentrate on your work. When I’m in The Zone, the words somehow flow out of my fingers and onto the page.
2. I’m an Extended DISC accredited practitioner
Not all readers are created equally, and it’s important to bear this in mind when crafting your content.
Extended DISC is a behaviour assessment tool that considers whether people are introverted or extroverts; and whether they’re task focused or people focused. This results in four quadrants, with each having a communication style, listening style, and decision making behaviour.
For example, ‘D’ type personalities make snap decisions, and don’t like too much detail. Whereas ‘C’ and ‘S’ personalities need more reassurance to proceed to the next step.
I’ll suss out what each personality type needs in the copy I write for you, so that it’s as magnetic as possible. (The only exception being if your buyer profiles are all one personality type!)
How do you convince prospects that you’re the right solution for them?
This comes down to building trust with your prospects, and there are various tools you can use to help build trust:
- Case studies are particularly excellent for service businesses, where you’re providing something intangible. They’re also great for businesses who specialise in crafting high-value bespoke items (e.g. builders, kitchen companies, customer furniture makers) where there is a lengthy creation process and a high level of trust is needed from customers.
- Articles also let you demonstrate your expertise. As well as using them on your blog/website, you can also turn them into PDF information sheets that you can email or print – they’re particularly handy when the article discusses common questions you get asked in your buying or consulting process. This makes you look ultra professional, and stand head and shoulders above your competitors! Also, remember to post links to your blog articles on your social media profiles. An investment in articles goes a long long way and will last you for years.
- Website content is another area where trust building is important, and there are various psychological tips and techniques you can build into your site to help instil trust. I use these techniques when I write website content – and if you’re not sure how your website stacks up in this regard, I offer a website review service.
My qualifications
Learning new things is a daily occurrence! For starters, here are my official qualifications – not all of them are related to the business world, because I love learning new things and growing as a person:
- BSc (Hons) Management Studies, Royal Holloway University of London, UK.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM) from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.
- City & Guilds Photography, from Croydon College, UK.
- National Certificate in Horticulture, Levels 3 and 4 from the Open Polytechnic, NZ.
- Reiki Master Practitioner. Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3a all studied with Derek John-Thompson at Starcraft Healing.
Plus I regularly upskill via short courses, which include:
- Extended DISC: Level 1 – Accredited Practitioner (2022).
- HubSpot Academy: Content Marketing Certified (9 hours of self study) in 2021; SEO Certified (4 hours of self study) in 2021; and Email Marketing Certified (5 hours of self study) in 2021.
- Rocketspark Launch 2021: a 2-day conference on web design, ecommerce, business growth, brand storytelling, and SEO.
- Freelance Writer Bootcamp: 6 weeks of interactive training with assignments, group calls, and personal feedback from Rebecca L. Weber in 2018.
- iPhone Video Hero VIP: a video marketing course, including video production and video editing in 2013. Taught by Jules Watkins, an ex-BBC and MTV cameraman and Producer/Director. This course includes one-on-one mentoring and feedback from Jules.
- Ultimate Guide to eBook Writing Success: a self-study course in 2013, taught by Bob Bly via AWAI.
- Autoresponder Apprentice: a comprehensive self-study course in 2012, taught by Jay White via AWAI.
- Headline Writing Course: an 8-week part time-course in 2012 with daily assignments, taught one-on-one by Sean D’Souza at Psychotactics.
- How to Design Snazzy Ebooks in InDesign: a 4-week part-time self-study course taught by Sean D’Souza at Psychotactics.
- Article Writing Course: a 12-week part-time course in 2011 with daily assignments, taught one-on-one by Sean D’Souza at Psychotactics.
- Search Engine Bootcamp: a full day training seminar in 2009.
My values
I’m passionate about growing your business. Growing my knowledge. (And also plants!)
I’m on your team, and I’ve got your back. I’m here to help you succeed.
I’m very polite, but if something won’t fly, I’ll tell you. Nicely. 🙂

When I’m not working…
When she’s not conjuring up compelling content, you’ll find Cornelia frolicking with her dogs on sunny beaches – most likely with a camera in hand, and some snacks nearby. Cornelia’s a firm believer that a wagging tail, sandy paws, sunshine, laughter, good food, house music, Reiki energy, and dancing can cure just about anything. 🙂
Here are some Instagram pics of what I get up to: