Are you wondering how your website is really doing – and how it could perform even better?
Website reviews will help you make the most out of your existing website.
Perhaps your website is doing quite well already – but you want to improve it further.
Or maybe your website isn’t living up to expectations, and you’re not sure what’s wrong.
Your website review will take an in-depth, impartial look at what’s happening – and everything is explained in Plain English.
There are two different kinds of website reviews I can help you with…
1. Website Effectiveness Report
Already have a website? Have a hunch that it could your website could be performing better?
Find out how you can improve your website with this helpful website audit.
I’ll check every aspect of your website including:
- Search engine optimisation: How well is your website set up to get good Google rankings? Does the website have keyword-optimised content? Is the back-end Meta Data used to its full potential? I’ll look at that and let you know what I find.
- Ease of use: Once people have arrived at your website, usability is vital. Websites have been around for a while now, and users expect certain things in certain places. In other words, the layout and navigation is very important. I’ll let you know how useable your website is – and give you recommendations on anything that could do with improvement.
- Persuasiveness: The key function of any website is to convert readers into prospects who take action, and contact you. To do that, your website needs to build trust with readers – and do so very quickly. Maximising conversions is something that many business owners struggle with on their websites, and I’ll give you suggestions as to how you can make your website more persuasive.
- and more! You’ll receive a comprehensive document complete with screenshots of any issues you need to be aware of.
Examples of issues I’ve discovered in the past…
Here are some problems the Website Effectiveness Report has uncovered in the past:
- Google couldn’t ‘crawl’ the website: One website was coded so badly that Google could only ‘crawl’ (i.e. access) the home page. This was a vast website – but most of it was invisible to Google. This affected the site’s rankings and also meant there was only very limited Google Analytics data available. I’m not a website designer or developer, but I can run analytics to highlight these sorts of issues. (The company I did the website audit for had no idea about this problem until I submitted the report!)
- The website was attracting the wrong kind of traffic: A small business owner had engaged an SEO company to work on their website. Yes, the website got more traffic – but the traffic wasn’t converting. Why? The SEO company had targeted the wrong keywords: the keywords got people to the site, but the site itself was of no interest to the readers. (I later worked with the business owner to re-write the website with better keywords – this not only increased the traffic, but increased enquiries – and sales.) Yes, website traffic is important – but it needs to be the right kind of traffic!
- Website wasn’t converting: This is a really common problem, where websites get a reasonable amount of traffic, but visitors don’t convert. The lack of conversion is usually down to not enough trust-building going on. You have just a few seconds to make a great first impression on a stranger, and convince them to contact you… that’s no mean feat, but I can show you the techniques to achieve that kind of instant trust building.
- Website taking too long to load: It’s a big no-no to have a slow website – especially now that many people view websites on smart phones. Phone networks are still quite a bit slower than broadband internet, so a quick and snappy website is vital. Long loading times were an issue for one client – mostly caused by large photos. Empowered with this information, the business owner got their web developer to re-size the photos, and do some coding magic to make the images load faster.
Wouldn’t you like to know what’s really going on with your website – so you know what to focus on?
If you get an unbiased website audit, you’ll know exactly what’s happening with your website, so you can take steps to improve it. This will save you a lot of frustration, rather than simply guessing!
When you engage me to undertake a Website Effectiveness Report, you’ll receive a fully customised report that’s yours to keep. Inside you’ll find out exactly what’s preventing your website from reaching its full earning potential, and what you can do to change it.
Format: The report will be emailed to you as a PDF document. The document is comprehensive (40+pages long) and includes screenshots of any issues I’ve found.
Estimated investment value: US$675/NZ$647+GST per website.
Enquire about a Website Effectiveness Report today →
(Yes, click the button to send me an email. Or if the button doesn’t work for you, just drop me a line at cornelia@fxmarketing.co.nz)
2. Statistics Summary Report
So you’ve got website analytics – but what do all the numbers mean? Many small business owners either feel overwhelmed by the data, or don’t know what it’s telling them. So if that sounds like you, believe me, you’re far from alone… and I can help to take the number-phobia away. 🙂
I’ll look at your analytics system and write a report in plain English describing what’s happening. You’ll receive recommendations on what could be improved, as well as recognition of what’s working well.
In order to complete this report, I’lll need to log in to your analytics system. This is more effective than using printed or email reports, as I can apply different date ranges etc.
Examples of issues I’ve discovered in the past…
Here are some problems the Statistics Summary Report has uncovered in the past:
- Good visitor numbers, but poor conversions: Many business owners aren’t sure if their visitor numbers are good, bad or somewhere in between. And very few business owners measure conversion rates. Without seeing the data, I don’t really know how your website is performing – the numbers tell the complete story.
- Thousands of dollars wasted on online advertising: One client was spending thousands of dollars on online advertising in various places. Some of the advertising worked well – whereas other (very expensive) sites yielded zero visits. With this information, the business owner was able to cancel non-performing website advertising.
- Social media effectiveness: Yes, getting Likes and Retweets etc. is all very nice, but personally I think website click-throughs are far more important for a small business. Discover which social media sites are generating traffic – and which are a total waste of time. That way you can focus on what’s working, and stop wasting time on ineffective social media sites. Or perhaps there’s a good social media site that you haven’t utilised yet… all is revealed in your analytics data!
- Website isn’t interesting or engaging: If you don’t provide much info on your website, there’s a risk that you’re not giving your prospects enough decision-making material… and they’ll go to a competitor who better answers their problems or questions. This is revealed in a low ‘time on site’ metric.
- Technology problems: These days, many people visit website on their smart phones (e.g. iPhones) or tablets (e.g. iPads). However, many websites are either poorly configured for this, and are impossible to read on small screens. If that’s happening to your website, you’re potentially losing 50% or more of your audience! Google Analytics provide data on devices, and the time-per-visit, so if the time-on-site for smart phone visits is very low (compared to desktop PCs), you know what the problem is and can remedy it.
Knowing this kind of stuff about your website (in Plain English) can really help you pinpoint your online marketing efforts. Having some direction is so much better than guesswork – it will save you time and money!
Format: The report will be emailed to you as a PDF document.
Estimated investment value: US$250/NZ$299+GST per website (based on a website of up to 20 pages).
Enquire about a Statistics Summary Report today →
(Yes, click the button to send me an email. Or if the button doesn’t work for you, just drop me a line at cornelia@fxmarketing.co.nz)
Hint: It’s a really good idea to get me to work on both website audits at the same time. What’s happening at the front end impacts the performance at the back-end, so putting both aspects together provides a far more rounded picture than just looking at one aspect in isolation.
Yes, I’d like both Website Audits please! →

Timing, payment, and availability
Availability: Will be confirmed once I hear from you. Please note that I don’t take on urgent jobs, and often have a waiting list for my services. I take on projects on a first-come, first-served basis (as that’s the only fair way to do it!), so the sooner you get in touch, the sooner I can start your work. 🙂
Payment: 50% deposit will be invoiced upfront to confirm your booking. The work will be scheduled once I’ve received the cleared funds in my bank account (or PayPal for overseas clients). The balance will be invoiced when the work is completed, and payment terms are strictly 7 days. For more details, please read my Terms of Business.
Here’s to getting the best possible results online!
And if you have any questions about the website audits, please do contact me.
Cornelia Luethi BSc (Hons) DipM
Website copywriter and auditor, Auckland, NZ
PS. Yes, these Website Audits are completely impartial!
Even though my bread and butter work is writing website copy, I’m not going to recommend rewriting your website – unless I really feel that your site genuinely needs it.
For that reason, I charge for the website audit work; I view it as a complete project in itself, and it’s not a sales pitch.
Read what customers are saying about Cornelia’s work →
All work is undertaken subject to the Terms of Business of FX Marketing Limited: the latest version is available to download from the Terms & Conditions page.